he Inventing Room is Willy Wonka's favorite and most secret room. It holds all of his newest inventions and candy that still needs testing, examples being the Everlasting Gobstoppers, Hair Toffee, and the Three Course Dinner Chewing Gum.Willy Wonka's Inventing Room, from an earlier draft of Roald Dahl's Charlie and ... A draft speech in which Roald Dahl talks about the inspiration for Charlie and the ... Roald Dahl went to a famous English public school called Repton, where he ... would be sent a number of Cadbury's newest chocolate inventions to test out.He first invented a tonic Wonka- Vite which made people younger. ... The volunteer, who swallowed four drops of the new invention became, old, began wrinkling and shrivelling up all over and his hair starting dropping off and his teeth falling out and he turned into at fellow of 75. The name of the invention was Vita-Wonk
This title is the most appropriate because it does not limit research to a narrow question, but rather asks a series of essential questions.
Much research will have to go into the three questions of how, when, and why doughnuts became popular, but ultimately all these questions will help reveal the beginnings of a popular food item in the modern United States.
I would say B Nazi officers im not actually sure I just guessed :P