The shang dynasty made many contributions to chinese civilization but four in particular define the dynasty: the invention of writing, the development of a stratified government, the advancement of bronze technology, and the use of the chariot and bronze weapons in warfare.
The Mississippi Valley was very attractive for early colonizers. The Spaniards first went there in 1541, hoping they would find gold just like their fellow citizens had done in Mexico two decades earlier. But their venture didn't bear any fruit. Then, in 1673, French came to explore the land. Soon enough, missionaries followed their steps, and the first small settlements were formed, in spite of many troubles (such as outbreaks of smallpox).
This is a conflict of individual rights versus state protection. For some, the individual rights come first even if it is an attack on others or could put the country at risk. For others, the protection of the country is more important and therefore a person who speaks in a way that threatens the country should and can be silenced.
Schenck v. US is a famous case where the court ruled if the speech presents a danger to the country then the 1st Amendment right is not applicable and can be denied.
Tinker v. Des Moines School District demonstrated when a person peacefully protest even in a school against the government and their decisions (Vietnam War in this case), then the 1st Amendment is applied and the individual rights upheld.
During World War II<span>, </span>British<span>, German, and Japanese </span>governments<span> issued AMPHETAMINES to </span>soldiers to elevate mood and to help with fatigue<span> and </span>pain.<span>
Hope that helps!
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was created in in 1933 and it was to protect bank depositors and ensure a level of trust in the American banking system, during the Great Depression.
The Exchange Commission (SEC) was created in 1934 and the goal was to to help investors feel comfortable to put money back into the stock market.
Both were important to create confidence in american people, and to create the possibility to get out of the Great Depression.