adjectives are _____when describing one person or thing, and _____ when describing more than one person or thing.
singular and plural
Tu because If you put Mi or mis son rojos it says my are red which dosen't really make sense. Since you put tu in front of son (plual) it would be they are red.
Si esto es muy importnate porque le da experiencia a los estudiantes y aprenden a no tener miedo cunado estan en un discurse con muchas personas. Esto tambien ayuda a dar confianza a los estudeinates.
the question asks if its important for studnts to learn to give presentations in front of many people and I answered yes and gave an explanation why.
I’m assuming your question is to translate it o Spanish, so that’s what I’m going to do.
‘In this kingdom there is a town’ translates to ‘En este reino hay un pueblo’.