China's decline in the nineteenth century
Opium wars was start of Century of Humiliation, China was forcefully moved from protectionist policy to free trade policy by British imperialist menace, Hong Kong wrongfully leased, and China's invincibility shattered. Imperialist from all side invaded to seize ports, Russia, France, Germany, Britain even more, Austro-Hungarians briefly on small scale. It was very uncool sad time.
supreme court is not a branch of government.
- Congress set up House of Committer on Un-Acticities to look for Communists both inside and outside the Gov.
- Hollywood executives crated a list of some 500 people they thought werecommunist. These people's names were put on the blacklist
- Congress passed the McCarren Act, whivh outlawed the planning of any action that might lead to a totalitarian dictatorship in the USA.
The Rosetta Stone is basically a language translator and helped researchers understand Egyptian hieroglyphics. The Rosetta Stone was written in corresponding hieroglyphics and Greek and since many people knew Greek they could decode the hieroglyphics.
How did they come to the US? ... Therefore, many Chinese immigrated to the US from Canton after news of the gold discovery in California. Immigrants undertook a Pacific Ocean journey of three weeks by ship. Many passengers could barely afford steerage class travel.