A. Karsty Topography
Karsty topography is characterized by numerous caves, sinkholes, fissures, and underground streams and it is usually found regions of high rainfall where bedrock consists of carbonate-rich rock, such as limestone, which is easily dissolvable
Humans are the activators, the catalysts, and the dreamers. They preside at the foundation of important industries such as healthcare, education, or energy, to name a few. These large-scale service ecosystems rely on humans who understand how such sectors impact quality of life.
The crust size remains constant because the older crust is melted at subduction zones.
The crust is constnatly created on Earth, but the crust is constantly getting destroyed as well. This situation leads to the total size of the crust being roughly at the same level, or rather constant, as one side a new one emerges, while at the same time, on the other side it gets destroyed.
The vast majority of the new crust is formed where there are divergent plate boundaries. Here, a gap opens up between the plates that move away and magma is constantly rising to the surface and creates new crust. When it comes to the destruction of crust, it occurs at subduction zones. Here, one plate moves below another plate, and as it does it reaches the upper mantle where it gets melted and recycled because of the high temperatures and pressure.
Calculate the mean monthly temperature by adding up the daily mean temperatures for each day of a month and then dividing that sum by the number of days in the month. For example, for the month of January, add up the 31 mean daily temperatures, then divide by 31.