<span>1) "I talked to my teacher five hours ago."
</span>"Hablé con mi maestro hace cinco horas."
2) "<span>I have used the computer for seven hours."
</span>"He utilizado el ordenador durante siete horas."
3) "I read a book two hours ago"
"Leí un libro hace dos horas"
4) "<span>I have been studying Spanish for one year."
</span>"He estado estudiando español durante un año."
5) "<span>I watched Television yesterday."
</span><span>"Vi Televisión ayer. "
<em>-I hope this helped :)</em>
<em>(If you need anymore help please feel free to ask)</em>
From 1900 to 2010, the population in Mexico increased. In which period did the population increase the smallest and in which period?
¿Cuándo vas al cine? ¿El sábado?
Si, voy al cine el sábado.