A:When companies open factories in other countries
C) The covenant, the law, and the prophets
The Law of Moses is a set of instructions and decrees communicated by God to the prophet Moses, regulating the religious and social life of the people of Israel and its individual members.
The law, including the Ten Commandments, was set forth in the early books of Moses.
Prior to exile, Hebrew political history passed under the 'banner' of prophets who always abide with their people and oppose the policies of rulers. Preaching purity, honesty, and devotion to the covenant made with God, they interpreted existing and predicted future misfortunes of the state, claiming that they were caused by the godlessness of the people.
The Nazi Party
While in prison, Adolf Hitler wrote his book called "Mein Kampf", which details Germany's current problems and blames them on the Jewish. He would later establish the Nazi Party and become the supreme ruler of Germany. While in power, he started a genocide campaign against the Jewish. The Jewish were killed by mobile firing squads, and later, gas chambers. At the end of the fuhrer's reign, over 60% of the European Jewish population were killed.