The answer is C.
The helicopter lifted into the air like a really big, clumsy bug. That's a comparison, which is a form of figurative language.
Child Labour Should Be A Punishable Offence
The problem of child labour is quite rampant in all parts of India. In spite of the enforcement of many anti-child labour laws, the problem still exists. The adverse effects of this problem affect the growth, development, and progress of our nation.
Not only millions of children below the age of 14 are working in factories, shops, glass-blowing industry, workshops, etc, they are forced to work in the most unhygienic work conditions. According to Census data, there are over 82 lakh child labourers (aged between 5 – 14 years) in India. Our country needs more and more skilled manpower to achieve the objectives of growth, development and advancement. With so many millions of children working menial jobs, without education, how can India achieve her goals?
The Indian government must take some proactive measures to stop this problem of child labour and must ensure education for them. Undoubtedly there are many laws against child labour, however their poor implementation is responsible for the continuation of the problem. The government must work harder and involve the people and NGOs to eradicate the problem from the country. There is only one measure that can check this social evil; and that measure is strictness. Unless the Government deals with the offenders with the iron hand, this problem is going to spoil the lives of millions of children.
This is false.
It is false because a scientific method is a lot more complex and has many steps which need to be fulfilled for it to be valid. Rationality and common sense are not enough for something to be scientific as sometimes something can be irrational or almost nonsensical and yet scientific.
Coyote and the Buffalo is a Native American Legend that explains why there is no buffalo in Swah-netk'-qhu.
The story begins by telling how Coyote was to blame for the absence of buffalo in Swah-netk'-qhu country.
Coyote had always been afraid of Buffalo Bull, and while he was walking over the plains beyond the big mountains, he found the skull of his great enemy and decided to make fun of him. He threw it into the air, kicked it and spat on it, and it went on his way.
After that, Buffalo Bull came back to life and wanted to kill Coyote. But they reached an agreement, where Coyote would make him new horns so that Buffalo Bull could take revenge on Young Buffalo for killing him and keeping his herd, his former wives and their children.
Coyote makes magnificent horns for Buffalo Bull, who manages to kill Young Buffalo and recover what was his. He was so grateful that he decided to give Coyote a cow, with which he would be able to feed himself all his life, but he was forbidden to kill her.
He said <em>“When you get hungry, just slice off some choice fat with a flint knife. Then rub ashes on the wound and the cut will heal at once. ”</em>, But after a while Coyote got tired of always eating the same parts and killed the cow.
When he ran out of food he decided to see Buffalo Bull again to ask for a new cow, and when he arrived he was surprised to see the cow he killed was alive! But she refused to return with him, and Buffalo Bull did not want to give him another. That is the reason why Coyote's vanity, made him return without any buffalo home.