hello there
Lyddie is so taken aback by the interview when Mr. Marsden brings her before the company agent that she is speechless. Mr. Marsden accuses her of "moral turpitude," and she does not know what "turpitude" means. She is too embarrassed, of course, to ask them. she feels resentful of the injustice when she is fired, but she knows that there is nothing she can do about it. Mr. Marsden targeted Lyddie because she saw him harassing Brigid and stopped him. Lyddie understands that Mr. Marsden lied about her to get her fired.
Yesterday's cricket game was rained off.
Yesterdays is the plural of yesterday, while yesterday's is the possessive adjective. (correct)
Romeo's reaction shows how impulsive, emotional, and immature he truly is. He cries to the Friar and asks to be put to death instead. When he says "ha, banishment? Be merciful, say "death"" he is saying he would rather die than have to live in a place without Juliet. Juliet responds differently though, which shows that she is a bit more mature and thoughtful than Romeo. Even though initially she gets upset, she then thinks about it and says "Oh, what a beast was I to chide at him" showing that she knows he made a mistake but he is still her husband and she still loves him.
Arigato nya ichi ni san, nya arigato