The excerpt from "A Million Persons Will Hear Coolidge's Voice When He Addresses Congress This Afternoon" would most likely be u
sed to support which of the following conclusions? The voice of President Coolidge, addressing Congress tomorrow, will be carried over a greater portion of the United States and will be heard by more people than the voice of any man in history. Arrangement[s] were completed tonight for broadcasting the President's address as delivered in the chamber of the House of Representatives through six powerful radio stations and it is expected by the engineers in charge that fully a million persons will hear Mr. Coolidge speak.
—"A Million Persons Will Hear Coolidge's Voice When He Addresses Congress This Afternoon," The New York Times, December 5, 1923
A. New communications technology played a major role in American economic development in the 20th century.
B. Technological innovation made information and communications more accessible than ever for 20th-century Americans.
C. Several national elections have been decided by the performance of political candidates on radio and television.
D. Twentieth-century presidents relied heavily on the mass media in order to win support for their policy goals.