Arabic, the classical form of the language, is the language of the Qur’an. When Muslims from all over the world recite the Qur’an
The correct statements are:
- The outer planets are also called gas giants;
- The outer planets have high gravity due to their large size;
- The outer planets formed where temperatures were cooler;
The outer planets are in general much bigger than the inner planets. They are made out of gasses, and have very big and dense atmospheres. Because they are much bigger in general, and have more mass, these planets have bigger gravitational pull. The outer planets have all formed further away from the Sun, so they receive much less heat from it, thus they are in the cooler part of the Solar System and are all cold planets.
El río que separa el macizo de Brasilia y el macizo Patagónico se llama río Colorado.
El macizo de Brasilia comprende el actual Brasil y el macizo Patagónico, buena parte de la actual Argentina. El macizo de Brasilia cubre buena parte del centro, todo el este, noreste, centro-norte, centro-sur y sureste de América del Sur, mientras que el macizo cubre todo el sur de Argentina. El río que separa ambos macizos se llama el río Colorado, el cual atraviesa las provincias de Mendoza, Neuquén, Río Negro, La Pampa y Buenos Aires antes de desembocar en el Océano Atlántico.
On Pluto, where the winter lasts for half of the nearly 250-year orbital period, temperatures undoubtedly do drop to such low values. On the Earth and other planets with an atmosphere, so-called greenhouse gases can trap part of the heat radiated by the surface, keeping the surface warmer.