Ses fenêtres sont très sales,elle va demander à quelqu'un de les faire laver.
Je passe un bon moment en France. Je prends des cours d'art et d'anglais. Mon cours d'art est à 9h00 les lundis, mardis et vendredis. Mon cours d'anglais est à 14h00 tous les jours de la semaine. Je me suis fait un nouvel ami. Elle s'appelle Mallory. Elle est originaire d'Australie et elle a 13 ans. Elle a les cheveux blonds et les yeux bleus. Elle est drôle et gentille. Je m'éclate.
Bonne journée!!
*Hi. I'm fine today?
* Things are going well. And you?
* I'm fine too. How old are you?
*I'm fourteen. And you, how old are you?
*I'm sixteen years old. Do you have brothers or sisters?
* Yes, I have 2 sisters, but no brothers. And you, are you an only child?
* No, I'm unlucky. I have a big family. I have three sisters and five brothers.
*Really? What are your brothers called?
* Their names are Marc, Paul, Jean, Claude and Pierre.
* What about your sisters?
* Their names are Marie, Janine and Françoise.
* And your brothers, how old are they?
* Marc is 12, Paul is 13, Jean is 14, and Claude and Pierre are the twins. They are 16 years old.
* What about your sisters?
* Marie is 9 years old, Janine is 10 years old and Françoise is 17 years old.
* Ah, it's a really big family. My two sisters are called Veronique and Marie-Noelle. They are 20 and 22 years old.
* Do they go to college?
* Yes, both go to Notre Dame in the United States.
*It's eleven o'clock. Ah, I'm hungry and thirsty, too.
* Yes, my head hurts because I'm so hungry.
*Let's go to the cafe.
*But I have no money. I need to go to the bench.
* No, you don't need the money. I have $ 30. I have plenty of money for our meal.
*Thank you so much.
* I will pay next time.
*It's good. Let's go.
* What coffee?
* Café du Monde at Rue Nouvelle-Orléans? It's not far from here.
*It is very good
I’m learning french but i’m not to great at it yet. i might be able to help.
Bonjour !
Normalement, le week-end prochain je vais rendre visite à mes cousins.
Nous avons prévu d'aller au cinéma puis à la patinoire.
Ensuite nous irons nous promener et nous irons manger une pizza.