The Wite Man's burden is a poem written by Rudyard Kipling and it talks about the war between the USA and Philippines. In the poem, the speakers repeats the same line at the beginning of every stanza because he wants to create an atmosphere related to the burden, indicating that it is always there by using the rhetorical device called anaphora, which consists in repeating the same line at the begining of every stanza. Another intention might be to get closer to the "white man".
About the last stanza, the first line ends with and exclamation mark, adding emphasis to the command.
En que te ayudo? de donde eres?
The Monitor Evaluator (thought-oriented)
The Specialist (thought-oriented)
The Plant (thought-oriented)
The Shaper (action-oriented)
The Implementer (action-oriented)
The Completer/Finisher (action-oriented)
The Coordinator (people-oriented)
The Team Worker (people-oriented)
Yes, I think people have the right to sleep in a park because the park is a public place.
My first solution would be that jobs have better pay. Most jobs do not pay enough money to keep up with the cost of living. Pay should actually be $30 an hour to keep up, but on average it's $8.00 -$15.00 per hour. As brutal as it may sound, jobs do not need to raise their paying hours because they can hire millions of people who won't complain about the pay, and if they do up the pay, then that'll mean less money for them.
Try to learn a skill. Since learning a skill takes time and a lot of discipline, most people don't want to do it because they figure it may be too hard or too difficult, so that's why they decide to just work in physical, hard labor work for the low pay.
What is your personal mission statement? What do you want to see yourself doing in your life? What do you stand for?
You want to begin writing a speech by getting the audiences attention. Say something that shocks, pleases, makes them something funny...
For example, come in with a clown wig and nose. Blow your nose thoroughly before starting and wait for the laughter....