I think it's A but here's an explanation anyway: as you heat the crude oil, the different hydrocarbons, having different boiling points, boil and evaporate up the column. Those with lower boiling points, shorter in chain length, will condense nearer the top of the fractional distillation column. Those that are more viscous, larger in chain size, will have high boiling points, so will evaporate last and condense lower down in the column. Therefore, you achieve all the different oils / materials (oil, petrol, gasoline, tar etc etc). I hope this helps. If not, then a good website to use is 'BBC bitesize, fractional distillation'.
pipe lines are used world wide
The sun. But at the center of our galaxy (Milky Way) is a supermassive black hole called Sagittarius A- star
The Contiguous United States does not include Alaska, Hawaii, or any other territories under the control of the United States. Alaska is unique among the US states as it is part of the North American continent, meaning it is attached via Canada, and so is part of the "Continental United States".
Europe is composed of 50 SOVEREIGN or self-governing States.