B. , Neutral.
Primary colors are Red, Blue, and Yellow.
Secondary colors are Orange, Purple, and Green.
Complimentary colors are two colors that compliment each other. For example. yellow and purple, green and red, and lastly blue and orange.
That leaves Neutral to represent the gray scale.
I think it's a lyre??? That's the closet I can think of.
An invisible line, known as the 180 DEGREE LINE or AXIS OF ACTION, runs through the space of the scene. The camera can shoot from any position within one side of that line, but it may never cross it. This convention ensures that the shot will have consistent spatial relations and screen directions.
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A lesson that we can learn from the Feeding of the five thousand is that Jesus is big enough for any of our expectations. Here, He surpassed expectations. He is ultimate. This means that Jesus provides every need and He exceeds.