A because you should tell what the paragraph is about, provide evidence to support your topic, and explain how the evidence supports your topic.
Answer and Explanation:
Missionary Warner, even frightened by the situation and tempted to fight the bandit and take the gun from his hands, was gentle and as calm as possible. He spoke to the bandit cordially, trying not to show anxiety and fear. He was so friendly that he asked if the bandit would accept a cup of tea, which he had prepared himself.
"The Evolution of a New Woman" centers around the idea of gaining suffrage for women. The author discusses how women are being highly sexualized and demeaned, and it is taking away from their well-being, and from their ability to even succeed in areas where women were desired to succeed at the time (i.e. if a woman is being oppressed and suppressed, she will likely not be as good as a wife or mother). The text also uses reminders from Irish, British, and American history of groups of people who were pushed to their limits, leading to war and rebellion. These acts as warnings to those who did not wish to grant women the right to vote.
Testimonial - a written declaration certifying to a person's character, conduct, or qualifications, or to the value, excellence, etc., of a thing; a letter or written statement of recommendation.