It helped solve the problems that were not directly said or pointed out in the constitution
Give a real life example of something that may have been hard (or easy) to overcome and the steps you took to do it. Whether it may be raising your grade or maybe all the way to getting out of an abusive relationship with parents, friends, or a partner. Describe in 1st person through the steps you took to finally overcome the challenge. Unless more is stated about it being real then it can be made up if you don’t know what to write about.
Virginia plan advocated two legislative houses of which membership would be based on population. New Jersey plan advocated one legislative house, membership in which would be equal for all states.
Some Caribbean islands are coral islands formed from shells and marine animals skeletons.
These islands belong in the older group of Caribbean islands. Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, Barbuda, Antigua etc. belong to this group. They practically represent a low laying plateaus composed of billions, if not trillions, of shells and marine animals skeletons that are accumulated on the ocean floor.
The Cold War developed in the Soviet Union, Europe, and the United States due, in large part, to the competition over the arms race and over scientific advancement during the 1970s and 1980s. The Soviet Union pursued communist ideas while the United States and Western Europe followed democratic principles. The Cold War developed as each built up it's military to protect and advance it's own ideology.