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Q: que concepto tienen los niños del libro Isaac asimov cuánto se divertían? Translation: What concept have the children of the book Isaac asimov how much fun they had?
A: El tema principal del cuento 'La diversión que tuvieron' es el de la educación. Más específicamente, la narrativa trata sobre el futuro de la educación, que se volverá cada vez más informatizada y alejada de las interacciones sociales. Translation: The main theme in the short story 'The Fun They Had' is that of education. More specifically, the narrative deals with the future of education which will become increasingly Computerized and estranged from social interactions.
If this is incorrect, please don't come at me. Hope that this helps! :)
i can't hear it so try again
"Normally you have to climb the ladder to get to the basement."
It is illogical because the basement is at the bottom of the house, in the basement, so to get to the basement you must "go down" the stairs.
What is at the top of a house, for which you should climb a ladder, is called a "altillo".
por los juegos los niños hacen la cteatividad en los juegos
el juego de minicraf es para su imaginacion