Portia's opening line describes mercy is forgiving, generous and godlike quality.
- She conveys the idea that mercy is a tender and noble feeling, and mercy must come directly from one's heart.
- It blesses those who show mercy, which not only makes them feel good, but also brings heavenly rewards.
When someone wants to exact revenge, but opts for mercy, he displays divine,God-like attributes.
- Portia is referred to as an upright, noble benevolent lady, but close reading of the play shows she is a proud,cunning woman.Her best qualities are her logic and intelligence.
- These efforts however, have no effect on Shylock.
By asking a question she gets the reader engaged and thinking about how they relate to the text.
Answer: The problem with projective tests is that they lack validity and reliability, the two critical aspects of any psychological assessment. Reliability refers to how consistent the results of a given test are: a test that is reliable will yield the same results time and time again
She wasn't wearing a coat although it was quite cold.