U.S. policy toward the region of the Persian Gulf has changed more and more often over the years more than any other foreign policy I can think of. Current U.S. policy can be traced back more than half a century. This said, the most useful place to begin to understand how we arrived where we are today is to return to the late 1960s, when Great Britain decided it could no longer sustain its commitments east of Suez.
Feudalism was a system of hierarchy which was concerned with reciprocal legal and military obligations during medieval times. During those times neither Europe nor Japan shared a direct contact of this class system. However, Japanese and European societies developed a system of hierarchical classes (lords, knights, peasants, etc) which were very similar. At that time, when a person completed a feudal activity, he received the title of "knight" in Europe and "Samurai" in Japan.
Push factors may include conflict, drought, famine, or extreme religious activity. Poor economic activity and lack of job opportunities are also strong push factors for migration. Better economic opportunities, more jobs, and the promise of a better life often pull people into new locations.
<u>Complete Question:</u>
Japan has, therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the Pacific area. The facts of yesterday speak for themselves. The people of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our Nation. . . . I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire.
Which phrase used by the president was specifically chosen to convince the public to support the war?
A)“facts of yesterday”
B)“unprovoked and dastardly attack”
C)“have already formed their opinions”
D)“a state of war has existed”
<u>Correct Option:</u>
The phrase “unprovoked and dastardly attack” used by the president was specifically chosen to convince the public to support the war.
<u>Option: B</u>
When Pearl Harbor occurred, President Roosevelt was in office and it was a great time for the United States government to start a war. Which was obviously won by the Germans and the Japanese, they had already agreed to support the allies before that, but they did not send troops directly when the bombings took place at Pearl Harbor. This is because the United States had never threatened, invaded or done anything to threaten Japan, they could now declare war on Japan as their allies.