Answer: increased carbon dioxide production causes ___ from the atmosphere
1) Iremos al centro con tal de que tu nos puedas traer a casa despues.
2) Tan pronto como comamos, iremos a la plaza.
3) Esos ninos nunca salen a la calle sin ponerse un abrigo.
4) Ella no entiende la leccion sin que yo le explique todo por segunda vez.
5) Despues de mirar el partido no tuve tiempo de llamarte.
I hope this information helped you!
Use ser in the correct form. For example, "Yo SOY de Nueva York" means "I am from New York." The same as "Tú eres de Bogotá." Which is "You are from Bogotá." Remeber to put in the "de".
Not really sure what you have to do, but i will glady translate these for you if you wish.
2. How can Darcy communicate? She doesnt speak the language.
3. Darcy likes ancient sites. Where does she go see them in Andorra?
4. Darcy lives in Madrid. What can tourists see in Madrid?
5. IF you are in Madrid and you like art. Where can you go?
6. When you are in Barcelona, you must see the basilica "Sagrada Familia. Who made it??