It is Christmas Eve. Nora Helmer enters the house with packages and a Christmas tree. She pays the porter double what she owes him and eats some macaroons. Her husband, Torvald Helmer, comes out of his study and addresses Nora with tenderness and authority, calling her his “skylark” and his “squirrel.” Nora tells Torvald that she wants to show him what she has bought, and Torvald teases her for being a spendthrift. Nora replies that she and Torvald can afford to be extravagant, since Torvald’s new position at the bank means he will earn a large salary. Torvald replies that he will not take over that position until after the new year begins. When Nora argues that they can spend on credit until Torvald is paid, Torvald scolds her, reminding her that if something were to happen to make them unable to pay off their loan, they would be in trouble. He concludes by saying that he hates debts because “[a] home that depends on loans and debts is not beautiful because it is not free.” Nora finally acquiesces and says, “Everything as you wish, Torvald.”
1. The city of Sacramento is the capital of California.
2. Jennifer and Peter will travel to russia to work in an orphanage.
3. The Jackson Elementary School band will perform "Yankee Doodle."
4. My friend Sally and I are reading the novel The Phantom Tollbooth.
5. The train will stop in Atlanta, Montgomery, and Jacksonville.
6. Nicole likes Pepsi, but Veronica and Brandon prefer Coke.
7. The faces of four presidents are carved on Mt. Rushmore.
8. Are you going to go to Celeste's party on Saturday?
9. The new school year will begin in August or September.
10. The American Women's League meeting will be held on Tuesday.
11. We celebrate Valentine's Day in February, not in October.
12. Sarah planned a Christmas party at Lakeshore Park this December.
wait was this a question so what is your question
c or recognizing your emotions without judgment