If an employee started working on January 1, 2012 with a contract:
to term fixed to one year and dismissed on September 30, 2012, how many days should be taken for the liquidation of the premium, the severance and how much days should be cancelled for compensation?.
The capital to the capital of Argentina is Buenos Aires
Can you be more specific about the question your asking? Maybe I can help since I’m taking Spanish class
<h3>Choose the correct negative word to complete each sentence.</h3>
A) No tienes ______________ carro.
Answer A) No tienes ningún carro.
Translation A: You have no car.
B) No como el chocolate ________________.
Answer B) No como el chocolate nunca.
Translation B: I do not eat chocolate ever.
C) No hablé con _____________ en el parque.
Answer C) No hablé con nadie en el parque.
Translation C: I did not talk to anyone in the park.
D) No hay _____________ en el papel.
Answer D) No hay nada en el papel.
Translation D: There is nothing on paper.
E) No me gusta _________ la ensalada _____ la fruta.
Answer E) No me gusta ni la ensalada ni la fruta.
Translation E: I do not like the salad or the fruit.
Enrique doesn’t want to buy the pants, dress shirt, hat, or the short jeans. Enrique would rather buy shirts, green socks, blue shoes, and the white jacket.