I think because is your best option.
George explains to Slim how Lennie followed his instructions and trusted him every time and how he teased Lennie that he was “too dumb even to know he had a joke played on him.” Which gave him fun. The teasing came to an end when Lennie trusted George and agrees to jump in the river, where he almost drowned, “He near drowned before we could get him. An’ he was so nice to me for pulling him out. Clean forgot I told him to jump in.”, realizing how much power he had over Lennie and resolve to never tease him over his trust.
Imagination is what brings out the world and highlights the exciting points/aspects in life. Without imagination, the world would be dull and no innovation would occur because new ideas and technology are created through embracing imagination and seeing where it takes you.
Outside I'm silver
Inside I'm gold
If you broke me in half
Would I still be as bold
Avarice, a dream
Everything in green, sold
If you broke us in half
Would you still be as cold
With wealth to be rechanged
Or greed to be rearranged
[<em>This isn't my best. I have better poems, but I tried given the prompt. Hopefully this helps. You may use it word for word if you'd like.</em>]