False. It was named from the literary, artistic and musical advances.
Their emphasis on the power of personal imagination puts them in the tradition of Romanticism, but unlike their forebears, they believed that revelations could be found on the street and in everyday life. The Surrealist impulse to tap the unconscious mind, and their interests in myth and primitivism, went on to shape many later movements, and the style remains influential to this today.
Looking at both Geometric art pieces you can tell by the designs and the shapes that it has Greek Geometric art. The drawings on the Geometric art come from Greek roots showing that it does have Greek characteristics. The drawings on picture 2 tells a story in Greek and picture 1 has similar drawings and colors. Both pieces are obviously have noticeable characteristics of Greek Geometric art. Picture 1 looks like a hybrid of a human and a four legged animal while picture 2 is a vase with drawings on it. Bothe pictures have their own history and background but they both also tell their own story. Geometric art was a way that Greeks kept stories or symbols of something that happened.
I'm not 100% sure if it's correct but I tried my best to understand and answer your question with what I know about the topic. I apologize if it's wrong.