Answer: In the 7th century to 20th century, Arab Muslims and Europeans raided Africa and traded on Africans. In this period, a lot of Africans were sent to North Africa, America, and parts of Asian countries.
Six in the group: Homer, Billy Rose, Quentin Wilson, Jimmy O'Dell Carroll, Roy Lee Cooke and Sherman Siers. Some characters were combined for a film called "Rocket Boys"
To be able to understand or perceive what the scene is saying, viewers just need some few seconds or a milliseconds to know the full details. It all depends on the complexity of the scene before it can be attributed to either milliseconds eyes fixation or a few seconds eyes fixation
During the viewers first eye fixation on that scene, the viewer will be able to quickly to know what the scene is all about from a brief eye fixations. Some gist of some scene do take long to get, so it also depends on the Brain but no matter how complex the scene takes is, viewer eyes fixations will still get the meaning of the scene but it might just be longer than the simple scenes. This might require a few seconds eyes fixation
It is known that humans can understand a real world scene quickly and accurately, scanning many times per second while eyes fixation is on a complex scene. Each of these glances carries information. While some scene even requires a few hundred milliseconds eyes fixation by humans and the truth of the scene will be know to the viewers
They agreed to not use nuclear weapons.
To lessen the threat of an accidental nuclear war, the United States and the Soviet Union agree to establish a “hot line” communication system between the two nations. ... The United States had discovered that the Soviets were building missile sites in Cuba capable of firing missiles with nuclear warheads.