No, the government under the Constitution does not have that ability now.
- The early governments that were not bound by established rules could implement new decisions through their own conscience every other day.
- Such governments had given themselves the ability to conduct governance the way they thought was right for society.
- In other words, they had the ability to govern the governed without the consent of governed.
- This undue ability of the governments got limitations as the Constitution came into being.
As had been specified at the outset, the general purpose of Articles 34 and 35 was to ward off the possibility of open conflict between colonising powers by requiring mutual notification of the taking of new possessions (Article 34) and by insisting that occupation be effective 70 rather than purely symbolic
The postwar Radical Republicans were motivated by three main factors: Revenge — a desire among some to punish the South for causing the war. Concern for the freedmen — some believed that the federal government had a role to play in the transition of freedmen from slavery to freedom.