Tutankhamun was also famous by the name King Tut. he was an Egyptian pharaoh who lived over 3300 years ago. one of the most common facts about king Tutankhamun is that he became ruler at the age of Nine.
There is no record found about the cause of the death of King Tutankhamun. He has buried in the Burial chamber a coffin that is made up of solid gold. This coffin contains the mummy of the young pharaoh which was covered by the famous mask this tomb depicts his insights into life and death of ancient Egypt.
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The Fourteenth Amendment grants citizenship to people who were born in the United States. This was a huge deal, as it included former slaves.
The Fourteenth Amendment was part of the Civil War Amendments, which were composed of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments. These were all created to protect the rights of former slaves and try to include them as part of the United States.
With the Fourteenth Amendment, former slaves were now counted as actual citizens of the United States. This role made it so they had "<em>equal protection of the laws</em>." This meant they also had the right to "<em>due process</em>" and obtain all of the rights listed in the United States Constitution
There were a lot of race riots in big cities.
That they were intelligent and knew that they needed tools. They could use bigger rocks.