<em>Not really but I will wear this shirt that basically has the date of when he was born I guess I should do that on his birthday but oh well! <3</em>
<em>- Yaoii</em>
Ewe drumming
The Ewe are known for their experience in drumming throughout West Africa. The sophisticated cross rhythms and polyrhythms in Ewe drumming are similar to those in Afro-Caribbean music and late jazz.
Musical structure.
The A represents a musical idea or ideas, the B represents new, contrasting material, and the final A represents a return to the familiar music heard in the opening of the piece.
There is a need for B. Technology training
There are numerous visual design programs used nowadays for various design options. This requires knowledge of computers, even if it is the most basic kind. Architectural programs require even more.
<u>A: keystone </u>
Keystone is also known as capstone, <u>and it is the stone at the highest point of the arch construction.</u> It is placed as the final piece to lock the construction not to fall, as it is distributing the weight of the arch.
<u>B: voussoir</u>
<u>Voussoir is the name of the whole arched part,</u> including keystone and <u>impost</u>. It is the complete curved element, and the blocks included are most usually made out of stone.
<u>C: impost </u>
The impost is the name for the block that lies at the end of the column, a<u>nd it is also used for the block that is the start of the arch-shaped element</u> of the arch. It is the base of the voussoir.