probs C
but there is no logo or reasoning so I'm not completely sure
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” is a simple example of ternary form.
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” is a simple example of ternary form. Rondo (ABACA or ABACADA) – A song with one principle theme (A) which alternates with different contrasting themes (B , C, D)
By running away, the princes make themselves look guilty. It almost looks like they killed their own father to get the thrown and they thought they would be caught so they ran away in secret. What’s even worse was the fact that they went to two separate country’s (split up) which seems even more guilty to the simple mans mind
In the Ascension illustration of the Rabbula Gospels,Virgin Mary symbolized the Christian Community.
Ascension is the act of something rising or going up. This day is counted six weeks after Easter Sunday. In the ascension of Christ to Heaven, He is surrounded by four angels and below are apostles and Virgin Mary. Virgin Mary here has the status of the bearer of God and the mother of Christ. She symbolizes the whole Christian community on earth.