In 2016, California passed 900 new laws. In 2015, there were 930 new laws. About 900 laws will be passed in 2017 as well.
So, if you are counting only 2015, and 2016, there were approximately 1830 new laws in those past two years only in California. Not all of them are good, not all of them made people happy, but it is not the people who decide about this, unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately?).
At 12:18 p.m., a terrorist bomb explodes in a parking garage of the World Trade Center in New York City, leaving a crater 60 feet wide and causing the collapse.
Baron Friedrich von Steuban
Answer: In world war 1 i guess it would be kind of awful i mean youre
not even that old and you already have to experience war uggh awful if you ask me and there was a lot killing back then so If you didnt have parents to take care of you that would be the worst there would not ebvenbe guarntee you would libveand you would probevly be a slave, so it would extremely awful.