hope his helps
stay safe
brainliest is appreciated, only need. more to leave up:)))
A parlour is usually a sitting room or a small living room that is located between the entrance and the main part of the house or building. In some instances, a parlour can be larger and serve as a sort of tea room.
Inviting a guest into the parlour was a kind gesture and meant that they were officially a guest in the house.
Revision is an essential part of the writing process.
I <u>dissagree </u>with your thesis, and I’m going to tell you why.
In this sentence, disagree is spelled incorrectly as dissagree. The prefix dis, is spelled diss
Revision is an essential part of the writing process.
In this sentence, all the words are spelled correctly.
I would never be <u>disshonest</u> with you.
In this sentence, dishonest is spelled incorrectly as disshonest. The prefix dis, is spelled diss
His behavior at the dance was highly<u> iregular.</u>
In this sentence, irregular is spelled incorrectly as iregular. The prefix irr is spelled ir
The only choice where all words are spelled correctly is:
Revision is an essential part of the writing process.
<u>If your asking about what interactions mean in </u><em><u>Science</u></em><u> then this is the definition</u> --> a mutual or reciprocal action; interacting.
<u>If your asking for the </u><em><u>physics</u></em><u> definition for interactions mean then this is the definition</u> --> transfer of energy between elementary particles or between an elementary particle and a field or between fields; mediated by gauge bosons.
<u>Or, if your asking for what interactions mean </u><em><u>in general</u></em><u> then this is the definition </u>--> 1 : mutually or reciprocally active. 2 : involving the actions or input of a user especially : of, relating to, or being a two-way electronic communication system (such as a telephone, cable television, or a computer) that involves a user's orders (as for information or merchandise) or responses (as to a poll).
<em>Hope this helps you, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend and a wonderful Thanksgiving bye! Your welcome.</em>
<h3>- Sadie ❤</h3>