Prior to the existence of the nation-state, Europe was comprised of several multi ethnic empires, the largest and most powerful of which was the Holy Roman Empire. Territory changed hands often. Many times, this took place because of marriage or as a result of war.
It was an difficult place to live because the animals had to survive the waves and different type of water levels and temperture changes.
mortality rate, measure of human infant deaths in a group younger than one year of age. It is an important indicator of the overall physical health of a community. ... High infant mortality rates are generally indicative of unmet human health needs in sanitation, medical care, nutrition, and education.
1. scientists discovered that by observing the continents, they were in fact, once connected, it's like a puzzle in a way.
2. Africa and south America
3. Scientists discovered that certain species and resources were discovered on different continents, which meant that they had lived in different areas
4. Glossopteris was discovered in Africa and South America, which supports the theory that they were once connected, but split up.
5. The tree fossils discovered indicated that Antarctica was once a warm climate that had trees.
The Supreme Court plays a very important role in our constitutional system of government. First, as the highest court in the land, it is the court of last resort for those looking for justice. Second, due to its power of judicial review, it plays an essential role in ensuring that each branch of government recognizes the limits of its own power. Third, it protects civil rights and liberties by striking down laws that violate the Constitution. Finally, it sets appropriate limits on democratic government by ensuring that popular majorities cannot pass laws that harm and/or take undue advantage of unpopular minorities. In essence, it serves to ensure that the changing views of a majority do not undermine the fundamental values common to all Americans, i.e., freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and due process of law.
The decisions of the Supreme Court have an important impact on society at large, not just on lawyers and judges. The decisions of the Court have a profound impact on high school students. In fact, several landmark cases decided by the Court have involved students, e.g., Tinker v. Des Moines Independent School District (1969) held that students could not be punished for wearing black armbands to school to protest the Vietnam War. In the Tinker case, the Court held that "students do not shed their rights at the schoolhouse gate."