We give a few people god like statuses, for example we might think of a favorite celebrity as a god or someone that has great governmental power.
Change came in 1786 when Virginia passed the Statute for Religious Freedom. Drafted by Thomas Jefferson, the new law served as a model for the First Amendment. It established a clear separation of church and state. So the answer is B
No. it was not possible because the American colonies were out to claim their independence.
The American colonies were already too involved in getting their independece, and once they freed themsleves they were not going to be willing to go back to the old colonies way, they wnated to establish a new way of govern where the government came out of the people and wanted to shift away from the old monarchy ways of reigning. They believed in a society where everyone had the right to be free, and pursuit happines, and the English way didn´t allow this. The American colonies initiated a change of times in the whole world, there was no going back from that.
As a Christian I do believe that people should have religious freedom, and if necessary it is worth to protest to help support our religious freedom. As well as article 18: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. Which means if someone says we don't have the right we can challenge them and quote article 18 as well as know the other articles in case of other things.
Hope it helps!