And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great lord
In this moment, I do feel bored/ scared/ tired/ whatever you are feeling right now.
My greatest fear during this time is that this pandemic will be never-ending and won't slow down and stop spreading any time soon.
My initial reaction to school closing is slight shock, but not that surprised. It hasn't changed. (Your reaction may be different, I'm just giving you an example.)
There are multiple changes that should be made after the quarantine is over. I'm sure you can come up with a few examples, but I'll just give you one for starters. When we go to either restaurants or cafes, there shouldn't be a bunch of tables inside of that restaurant or café. They should reduce the amount of tables and chairs inside each of them to keep their distance.
My friends and or family are responding by ___. ( I don't know who your friends or family are, so this one is completely on you. )
During this time, the most important to me is keeping a safe distance from those who I love and care about while checking up on them when they are available by technology. (That's only one of multiple examples. If this doesn't apply to you, then think of something else.)
This time has/ has not changed me in quite a few ways.
To support what the author is telling you or to support the main idea
How to add a great answer?
The bright sun beamed down on me as I stepped outside to the very humid weather, I automatically started to sweat and get a very oily feeling on my skin.I stepped onto the concrete and I automatically burnt my foot, if I kept my foot on there any longer I would have probably melted it off.I wiped the sweat from my brow and sighed, I put on my flip flops and grabbed the trash bag and the sun flashed a ray of sunlight onto my back, once I got inside, I realized my air conditioner was broken, I sighed in anger and kicked off my shoes. My back was soaked in sweat and sunburnt. I think I’d rather live in the North Pole…