Option: A period of scientific achievement and artistic triumph where people believed that all problems and mysteries could be solved by the application of Reason.
Enlightenment was an intellectual movement that controlled the ideas in Europe during the 18th century. Thinkers began an intellectual journey indicating the reason, skepticism, individualism, and science. Enlightenment science greatly valued experimentation and rational thought with reasons and scientific experiments. Some of the famous scientific persons were Copernicus, Kepler, and Newton.
The purpose of this model has been developed to aid health care managers in making more quality decisions, which ultimately determines the success of organizations. The DECIDE model is the acronym of 6 particular activities needed in the decision-making process: (1) D = define the problem, (2) E = establish the criteria, (3) C = consider all the alternatives, (4) I = identify the best alternative, (5) D = develop and implement a plan of action, and (6) E = evaluate and monitor the solution and feedback when necessary. The DECIDE model is intended as a resource for health care managers when applying the crucial components of decision making, and it enables managers to improve their decision-making skills, which leads to more effective decisions
What are the three principles of the people?
The three principles of the people are :nationalism, democracy, and the livelihood of the people.
This ideology was developed by Sun Yat-sen to create prosperous nation.
Are these realistic in China?
No. China has a massive authoritarian power structure, in which the government owned almost all the resources in the country. The people do not obtain the right to free election, which do not fulfill the 'Democracy' Criteria from the three principles.
How about in today's world?
Absolutely. Those three principles are generally popular among the citizens, it should not be difficult to achieve.
Probably the biggest challenge for any other country in the world would be fulfilling livelihood of the people.
But it can be solved by having emphatic understanding toward the hardship that felt by our fellow citizens.
natural born Romans and anyone who wished to become one