La imprenta es un invento de mediados del siglo XV de Johannes Gutenberg quien mejoró las técnicas de imprenta con un instrumento que permitía reproducir textos utilizando piezas metálicas a las que se les aplicaba tinta para pasarla al papel. La imprenta fue un invento muy importante para dar a conocer las ideas humanistas porque permitió reproducir los libros de forma más económica y rápida lo que llevó a una gran difusión de estos y esto contribuyó a dar a conocer las ideas humanistas dado que se daba la transferencia de conocimiento y pensamientos a través de los libros.
Here are the answers for the matching type part:
<span>A .A reflection of brazil's poverty - FAVELA
B.this commodity is partially responsible for the deforestation of the amazon.- LIVESTOCK
C. the biggest economic threat to political stability in south America - GAP BETWEEN THE RICH AND POOR
D. world famous for it's coffee beans - COLOMBIA
E.inspired the budding formation of a south American Trade Agreement. - NAFTA
Other answers for #s 6 and 7:
6. the economic prosperity of South America.D. decreased following World War I because Europe no longer needed war materials that South America.
7. because of diminishing trade with Europe following World War I, South America Became? <span>B. more dependent on wealthier countries such a the U.S. and Great Britain by accepting foreign aid. </span></span>
The KRISTALLNACHT was "<span>b. A Nazi-arranged attack on thousands of Jewish stores," since this was after Hitler had risen to power and demanded that thousands of Jews be moved to concentration camps. </span>
Charlemagne advanced education by establishing schools and promoting literacy.
The people wanted peace (out of the war in Vietnam fueled by the policy of containment) so the ones who were running for president needed to address this.