in China around 1700-1500 BCE, as bronze became a widespread substitute for jade, horn, ivory, and stone, in the crafting of high-status objects like ceremonial, ritualistic and feasting vessels. Shang rulers and nobles, for instance, required a vast quantity of vessels for various ceremonies associated with religious divination and other sacred rituals, including the worship of ancestors, whose names are often inscribed on the bronzes.
He was famed for his bold, dramatic brush strokes which expressed emotion and added a feeling of movement to his works.
Answer: some colors are brighter than others and it depends on what their life is like. if their life is bad, they'll prefer a dark, sad. color, and if their life is good, they'll prefer a light, bright, color. And if their life is in between, they'll choose a color in between.
Qibla <-----------.---..-.-.-..-