Answer: Political and ethical behavior.
Explanation: Confucian philosophy is also known as Confucianism. Confucian philosophy advocated for political and ethical behavior. Confucianism believes in personal and governmental morality , justice and sincerity and correctness of social relationships. It is a system of thought and behavior originated from China.
The main belief of Confucian philosophy are honesty an trust, loyalty to the state, love between family members, love of parent to the child and love from the child to the parent.
Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance
Is a collective defence treaty signed in Warsaw, Poland between the Soviet Union and seven Eastern Bloc satellite states of Central and Eastern Europe in May 1955, during the Cold War.
After Reconstruction, white Southerners took extreme measures to ensure that African-Americans did not gain political power. One of the reasons why is because they feared that African-Americans would elect individuals who would try to change the southern way of life. In order to stop this from happening, several actions were taken.
1) Voting obstacles- Even though the 15th amendment said the no one can be stopped from voting based on race, color, or past servitude, many southern states went around this by implementing literacy tests and poll taxes. These tests and taxes significantly affected the African-American community, as many of them did not have a formal education nor a large enough income to vote.
2) Development of Ku Klux Klan- This organization used violence, intimidation, and threats to ensure that African-Americans did not use the rights guaranteed to them in the constitution.
Twain believed that obeying is the best policy because if children don't behave, their parents will make them do it regardless. Twain instructs the youth to avoid violence by actually enforcing it upon someone, and then regretting it and apologizing for acting in such an uncivil way.
Nazi Death Camps and their locations:
Chełmno extermination camp ⇒ close to Chełmno nad Nerem, Poland.
Belzec extermination camp ⇒ close to Belzec, Poland.
Sobibor extermination camp ⇒ close to Sobibor, Poland.
Treblinka extermination camp ⇒ close to Treblinka, Poland.
Auschwitz concentration camp ⇒ main camp near Oświęcim, Poland.
Atrocities committed:
- Mass murder
- Disembowelment
- R-ape
- Chemical extermination
- Deliberately infecting humans with diseases like Typhoid
- Attempting to create conjoined twins by sewing them together
- Vivisections on humans.
- Eye experiments
- Slave labor
- Fatal beating.
Atrocities by Josef Mengele.
- Chemical extermination - He administered chemicals like chloroform to victims including twins one time killing fourteen twins in one night.
- Deliberately infecting humans with diseases like Typhoid - He did this on twins to see how the other twin's body would react.
- Vivisections on humans - He would experiment on people and open them up without anasthesia to view how their organs worked even doing this to pregnant women.
- Attempting to create conjoined twins by sewing them together
- Eye experiments - Mengele injected chemicals into the eyes of people whilst they were still alive to see if he could change their eye color.