These are some ways you can finish it.
A wolf hunting for its prey.
A rock
Miss Trunchbull from Matilda
1. "By a name I know not how to tell thee my identity. My name, dear holy person, is scornful to myself since it is a foe to thee. Had I it kept in touch with, I would tear the word."
2. "O, swear not by the moon, th' irregular moon, that month to month changes in her circle sphere, for fear that that thy adore demonstrate in like manner variable
3. These seasons of misfortune manage the cost of no circumstances to charm.
I would go for swimming cause it's good for health and it's fun too
This question about your thoughts on differnt types of books, but I will tell you mine. You have to write your own.
I fell like informational texts are boring, but could be interesting. For example, if I am reading a book on the ocean animals. It would be boring, but ineresting at the same time beacsue I am learning something new. Autobiogrephis would be to when you are reading about a really cool person, like an astronought or storm chaser. This is how I feel about informational texts.