Social indicators such as health and levelsof crime, subjective well-being measures (assessing people’s evaluative reactionsto their lives and societies), and economic indices. These alternative indicatorsassess three philosophical approaches to well-being that are based, respectively,on normative ideals, subjective experiences, and the ability to select goods andservices that one desires. The strengths and weaknesses of the various approachesare reviewed. It is argued that social indicators and subjective well-being measuresare necessary to evaluate a society, and add substantially to the regnant economicindicators that are now favored by policy makers. Each approach to measuring thequality of life contains information that is not contained in the other measures
Geography is called the mother of all sciences due to its links and influences on a range of other scientific fields including biology, math, anthropology, geology, astronomy and chemistry
Hi pupil here's your answer ::
This is due to the inertia of motion that the Blades of an electric fan continue to rotate for some time even after the fan has been switched off.
Hope this helps .......
It's about the study of the earth. Like mapping, or just looking at different biomes or landscapes.