Ima give a list
7 Pounds
August Rush
Battle for Sevastopol
Cars (music is catchy)
Walle - E
Run, Boy Run
Ip Man (all of them)
John Wick
i have more but thats all ima put rn lol
Kono Dio Da!!
going to the science fiction thing cuz they already want to know that stuff so it makes since and if they where well known actors in the since world it would mean more people going up to them and in turn more people being told about it
by the age of 2 a child understands emotion like my little sister I'll ask her to make it angry face and she'll make the cutest little angry face ever back on subject the brain has already developed a sense of emotion like happiness or anger so little Tommy would perform good he may mess up sometimes but we all mess up
The answer is D all of the above