Western music: Ars Nova. When the influential treatise Ars Nova (“New Art”) by the composer Philippe de Vitry appeared early in the 14th... These innovations, which were anticipated to a degree in the music of Pierre de la Croix (flourished last half of 13th century), are marked by the emancipation of music from the rhythmic modes (dominated by triple metre) of the preceding age and by the increased use of smaller note values.
I'm confuse man dhh thr hshdj
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my band played this song the tempo of it is 120bpm depending on if its instrumental or singing. the instrumentation changes slightly first in the beginning and a little through out the song. there are multiple instruments in this song such as percussion,mellophone,trumpet,guitar i believe baritone flute and clarinets. the song represents a journey through multiple instruments including wave like music it also shows that we should never give up