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Just to warn the votes or attention of citizens
The term “sense of ownership” is frequently cited as a significant characteristic of community development. While there is increasing use of the terms ownership or sense of ownership, there is a paucity of research regarding what these terms mean, how this body of knowledge influences community development, and the various approaches that can be applied in contemporary community research and practice. A sense of ownership in community development is described as a concept through which to assess whose voice is heard, who has influence over decisions, and who is affected by the process and outcome. Applying the concept of ownership can determine how the strategic interests and actions of individuals or organizations contribute to community development efforts. In addition, the potential for ownership can be understood in part by examining the capacity for and quality of trust. Implications are discussed regarding how the concept of ownership advances the current field, specifically regarding community development research and practice.
Louisiana had a difficult road to statehood because of disagreements over the western boundaries of the state with colonial Mexico and cultural differences with the United States.
President James Madison signed Louisiana into statehood with a bill dated April 30, 1812. This made Louisiana 18th state. However, in the interim between the Lousiana Purchase in 1803 and statehood in 1812, some difficulties arose like the western border dispute between Spain and the United States which even led them to hault diplomatic relations in 1805. It was believed that military action would be necessary to resolve the conflict. Disagreements over the contested area were not fully resolved until 1819 when both parties agreed to the Sabine River as the western boundary. There were also cultural differences in that many residents of Louisana identified with its French past and they had a different system of local governance with the parish system.
We know this thanks to archaeologists who excavated many places and discovered that many early civilizations gathered around large rivers where they could develop agriculture. This was seen in places such as Mesopotamia, India, China, Egypt, etc.