Concrete operational stage
The concrete operational stage is the third stage of Piaget's theory of cognitive development, predating the formal operational stage (12 and above) and arriving after the preoperational stage (2-7 years old). During this stage, children are able to make logical conclusions in terms of the things they can experience with their senses. Some examples would be noticing that rain comes down from the sky, which is a form of inductive thinking.
However, children at this age group are not yet able to think in a more abstract manner - which is why their deductive thinking abilities are not yet as well-refined as its inductive thinking ones.
Zooxanthellae and the hard coral-Zooxanthellae refers to the symbiotic algae that live inside the hard or stony corals. The symbiotic connection depends on the coral's powerlessness to produce adequate measures of sustenance and the algae's capacity for photosynthesis and changing over substance components into vitality. - mutualism
The remora and the manta ray - The advantages to the remoras and remora for living in such close relationship with their bigger hosts are clear, however there is a level headed discussion about whether the manta beams get a noteworthy return in profits by these connections. - mutualism
The tiger shark and the green ocean turtle - the turtle is eaten by the shark- predation
The dolphin and the school of trevallies-To nourish, dolphins utilize a quick, amaze assault, and, not at all like the chasing packs of trevallies, dolphins can effectively chase alone. - predation
Hope this helps!
that would be Hermione Granger
Answer: Option (C) is correct.
From the given case/scenario , we can state that Anna has <em>High self-efficacy</em>. According to Albert Bandura , self-efficacy is referred to as a personal judgment or opinion of, "how well an individual can execute or implement courses of action that are required in order to deal with prospective circumstance". Expectations of ones self-efficacy tends to determine whether one might be able to show coping behavior and how for long these effort are sustained when facing an obstacle.
The answer is B. A minor who misrepresents his or her age to purchase alcohol commits the minor in possession violation. It's also called the Underage drinking law which target minors buying and or bringing/using alcohol. All states require to comply the said law.