Answer: The answer would be "Como estas"
because she is just know meeting the new students and you usually start of a convcersation with a new student with como estas which means how are you in spanish... Trust me im Mexican
Use a Spanish/English dictionary!
One such legend states that the red and yellow colors of the flag were chosen to honor the popular Spanish tradition of bullfighting where the red color was chosen to represent the blood spilled by the bulls while yellow represents the sand in the bull-fighting arena.
You could put "Yo soy/Soy" in the blank space.
1. el curso mio
2.los profesores tuyos
3. el resumen de el
4. el billete de ustedes
5. los vecinos nuestros
6. la fabrica de ellos
7. la fiesta de ellas
8. las entradas de ustedes
9. los informes tuyos
10. el trabajo tuyo
11. las aptitudes de el
12. la reservacion de ustedes
13. las flores nuestras
14. los deberes de ellos
15. los vestidos de ella
16. la hija de ustedes
if this is isnt what it was please tell me ^^