The average distance from Mars to the sun is 228 million km. What is this distance in kilometers? In scientific notation, it's 2.49209300 x 108 km. The wavelength of yellow light is approximately 0.00000058m.
Humans and most other mammals have two sex chromosomes, the X and the Y. Females have two X chromosomes in their cells, while males have both X and a Y chromosomes in their cells. Egg cells all contain an X chromosome, while sperm cells contain an X or Y chromosome.
many factors
Various factors like urbanization, population growth, a decrease in agricultural land and poor policy making are responsible for the increasing food insecurity in Asia. Lack of proper education also causes poverty.
It's best to have most of the growth happen in developed countries. This for several reasons:
- Developed countries as a whole have less population, so a population increase in these countries represents less people in absolute numbers.
- Developed countries can invest in green energy more easily. For example, in Germany, 27 percent of energy comes from renewable sources, and in Norway, an oil-exporting country nonetheless, around 30% of cars are electric. They can do this because they are wealthier, and investing in renewable energy can be expensive.
- Developed countries are not likely to grow at high rates anyway. Developed countries are aging fast, their population pyramids are bulky in the middle, and every year, less women are available for giving birth. Developed countries will not grow at high rates in the coming decades unless the receive massive immigration.
The answer is a 100×100 is 10000