According to Bede, Ireland does not "have any snakes", since it was believed that although snakes are often taken on board ships from England, once they are exposed to the air near Ireland, they die.
The theory of multiple intelligences was first proposed by Howard Gardner in 1983 on his book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. In this book, he broke intelligence down into eight categories. The modalities are:
1) Musical-rhythmic and harmonic
2) Visual-Spatial
3) verbal (linguistic)
4) logical mathematial
5) Kinesthetics
6) interpersonal
7) intrapersonal
8) naturalistic
9) existential
Not to mention in a recent interview Gardner is considering adding on the modality of teaching pedagogical as the last modality.
James 2 of England and Ireland
To resolve the dispute between free and slave states, each slave was counted as less than one free person for purposes of both taxation and representation.