Answer:Those that coincide are: leges,novae. Both words are plural and feminine. Both words are nouns.
The others that coincide are: ducem, boni, misero. These are in singular and masculine. Ducem and boni are adjetives but misero is a noun.
Explanation: Ducem means leader.
Leges means laws.
Novae means news.
Boni means good.
Misero means misery.
I hope I have helped you. Good luck!
ill play averybadtaco add me
The translation of the question pertains to "When we stop, it plays" and it tells about the Indian culture. So, the answer to this Indian language question is Desiya Geetham or in english, National Anthem. Where a person stops and stands still as the music plays.
is that english? i can't understand what u saying