The correct answer is C. Brook Farm
The transcendentalism was a movement that emerged in the 19th century the U.S. and focused on the individual and the role of this in society as self- reliant and independent which were ideas influenced by European philosophers such as Immanuel Kant ad Emmanuel Swedenborg. This movement had a great impact on society and because of this different associations and organization based on it were founded and besides this, people tried to integrate those ideas into real communities, one of the most important cases in the U.S. was the Brook Farm that was founded in Massachusetts and was a community and experiment based on some of the principles of transcendentalism.
Therfore, the community that is associated with transcendentalism is the Brook Farm as this was an experiment that applied principles of transcendentalism in real life; also others such as the Oneida Community and the Ephrata Cloister were religious organization and the Fourierims was a philosophy based on Charles Fourier that different from the Transcendentalism and therefore these were not associated with Transcendentalism.
need to know if there are choice options?
Your answer is B because after the separation of Berlin in 1945 Eastern Germany literally built a wall that divided the country into Easter Communism and Western Democracy